I want to gather people looking for greater authenticity.
Good controversy is the kind of contention that helps people look more closely at what they care about. When there is a sense of danger in sharing but also a real benefit in doing so. Instead of an event that kicks off with a bang and you focus on the food or catering, I want to focus on just being human.
I want to strive to help people feel a strong sense of belonging.
As humans we naturally gravitate towards experiences; something that makes us feel good; returning to the places we love and interacting with the people we enjoy. Lets strip away what we know about food and etiquette and start with the simple act of making something nourishing and delicious and focus on the emotion of how that makes us feel.
This is not just about feeding people, it’s about creating an experience with emotion that will evoke entertainment and genuine curiosity. We want people to laugh or feel intimidated, curiosity or nostalgia, to find emotional triggers that will pull and push. There are places and moments that will snap you out of your comfort zone, take your assumptions and your prejudices, and turn them upside down. They lead you to believe that maybe there is hope in the world.
I want to create an environment where people are happier; more open and their authentic selves.
Maybe I can get you to eat something you wouldn't normally eat. I don't expect to change your view on politics or religion, but if I can change your view points on food...
...that is the beginning of something powerful.
A social experiment and a challenge to be present in life.
In 2016, I spent four days on a remote island in the Pacific Northwest with 65 adults, detached from any technology, focusing on self development and experiencing people. After living what felt like to be free and uninhibited, it was bitter sweet to return to "real life".
It has been one of the most memorable and eye opening experiences I have had; a reminder that a phone or a computer distracted me from engaging with more people. Even if it was only eye contact. That I should go see more live music, find and explore more epic food, and invest more time interacting with open minded, creative individuals.
We are not designed to be alone in this world, it's time to invest in your tribe and your connections, give back to your community, make a difference in someone's life.
This website is a result of those four days and a challenge to myself to have an impact; to make a difference in this world. I'm not entirely sure how this will come to fruition, but it's a start....
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